What Would Happen If Health Care in Your State Improved? – The Commonwealth Fund

This interactive tool shows the health care gains your state could achieve by improving its performance on measures of access, quality, and health outcomes. The tool draws on data from the 2015 Commonwealth Fund Scorecard on State Health System Performance.

Source: What Would Happen If Health Care in Your State Improved? – The Commonwealth Fund

The Commonwealth Fund’s Scorecard on State Health System Performance, 2017 Edition, assessed states on more than 40 indicators of health care access, quality, costs, and outcomes. Use this interactive tool to see the gains that your state could achieve by improving its performance to the level of better-performing states, as well as the losses that would result if your state failed to sustain its performance. You can also see the impact of reaching for a goal that is even better than the current best state’s performance.

In a new To the Point post, The Commonwealth Fund’s David Radley, Douglas McCarthy, and Susan Hayes show how states can use the tool to help achieve their goals. For example, by seeing the gains made in states that have already expanded Medicaid, policymakers in Georgia or another non-expansion state can calculate the improvements in insurance coverage and access to care that are within their reach.

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